Dryers for stocking and tights

In comparison with traditional methods, the radio frequency drying of ladies stocking and tights after dyeing and hydroextraction, other than resulting in better product quality, offers various technical advantages, paving the way to innovative finishing procedures and, finally, leading to a corresponding increase in overall profitability.


Thanks to the RF dryers specifically designed for stocking and tights, which include some features and auxiliary devices addressing the specific problems of drying hosiery, Stalam gained the world leadership also in this peculiar application field.


Perfect uniform drying

Thin legs and thick waistcoat, toes, welts, etc. dry quickly and at the same time. Gentle drying at a low temperature, thanks to the large RF electrode surface (low power density). No evaporation of finishing chemicals (softeners, antistatics, etc.), as the RF field is selective towards water only.

Fully versatile for all fibre combinations and yarn counts

Nylon and nylon/lycra, blends with cotton, wool, silk, etc. textured, covered or spun, from sheer hosiery to sports socks. Reduced handling in dozens or bags, thanks to the ability of the RF energy to penetrate even thick, bulky and dense product layers.

Immediately ready for packing after drying

The product exits the dryer perfectly conditioned thanks to the final cooling system.

Very low drying cost

Several hundred dozens per hour can be dried with just a few kilowatts and minimal labour requirement.


Dryers for stocking and tights

Radio Frequency dyers for stocking and tights

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slider image Radiofrequency dryer for socks and tights
slider image Radiofrequency drying of socks
slider image Radiofrequency dryer for socks and tights
slider image Stalam radio frequency dryer
slider image Radiofrequency drying of socks and tights
slider image Radiofrequency dryer for socks and tights
slider image Radiofrequency drying of socks and tights
slider image Radiofrequency dryer for socks and tights
slider image Radiofrequency dryer for socks
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